Care & maintenance

gita care

Important warranty information:

Your gitamini has a 12-month or 1,000-miles-traveled warranty* (whichever comes first), starting from the date of delivery. 

Note: You can find your miles traveled on the mygita app.

Opening, modifying or tampering with a gita robot in any way voids the warranty.

For details, please see the Piaggio Fast Forward Terms of Sale online at 


Tips & tricks for keeping your gitamini running smoothly:

  • Wipe down your gita robot regularly using a clean, damp cloth—particularly at the base which tends to accumulate dirt during walks. 
  • Use the lens cleaning kit provided regularly to keep the robot’s vision clear. Never use alcohol-based or abrasive cleaners on its lenses.
  • Avoid leaving your gita robot in the rain or exposed to extreme temperatures for an extended period of time.
  • Charge your gita robot on a regular basis to ensure the battery’s health. 
    • The battery pack makes sure that the battery is being charged to just the right level. 


Can’t find your answer in the Knowledge Base? We’re here to help!

Most issues can be fixed over the phone or through a software update. Should this still not resolve your issue, our team will help you get to the bottom of it.

Call us at (800) 791-0843 or email

For more details, please review the Piaggio Fast Forward Terms of Sale.


Note: In the case of a problem, the mygita app allows the Customer Care team to diagnose and potentially resolve most issues from off-site. Without the mygita app, remote diagnostics are not possible and you may have to ship gitamini to our support center at your expense. If, upon receipt, the Customer Care team finds that the problem could have been resolved remotely, you will be charged for the exchange and return shipment. In all other circumstances, so long as your gitamini is still within its 12-month or 1,000-miles-traveled warranty (whichever comes first), Piaggio Fast Forward will cover all shipping expenses.

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